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Culture & Cycling Tournament - Finalissima Bartali vs Coppi
Quello c'è scritto sulla Wikipedia italiana, e mi fido zero...

Essendo Bottecchia trevigiano mi è capitato più volte di leggere cose su di lui, e pure mio nonno sostiene che fosse stato fatto uccidere dal duce...

"Theories abound from then on. The priest who gave him the last rites is said to have attributed the death to Fascists unhappy about Bottecchia's more liberal leanings. But Bottecchia was a barely literate racing cyclist at the end of his career, better known in France than in Italy, and not a politician or celebrity who could sway opinion. There's a theory that Fascists murdered him for speaking against Mussolini. An Italian dying from stab wounds on a New York waterfront even claimed he had been employed as a hit man."



'Sta cosa che appartenesse ai fasci non l'avevo mai sentita, e mi puzza di balla lontano un miglio...

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RE: Culture & Cycling Tournament - Chi sarà il più importante di tutti i tempi? - da Luciano Pagliarini - 30-12-2013, 08:30 PM

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