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Ethan Hayter
Q/A with Ethan Hayter

Hello Ethan, Welcome to FirstCycling. Let's go back to the start. When did you first start cycling and which riders inspired you the most?

I first started cycling at 14, at Herne Hill Velodrome. After a little while I joined the local club based at the track, VC Londres and it went from there. I think the riders that have inspired me most have actually always been the people around me, I guess in a way it seems so much more realistic, and it's them who you're learning the most from all the time.

In 2016, we saw you have a very good season in the 2nd year you were in the Junior ranks, winning Kuurne-Bruxelles-Kuurne Juniors and being very consistent in all the races you did. How much confidence did you gain from these great results?
Really, it started at the end of 2015, I got some good results at the junior track nationals and then at Keizer der Juniores, I really stepped up a level on the road, just missing out on the win with 2nd GC. I started 2016 with good confidence and ended up winning my first 3 races, and then taking a few 2nds before breaking my collarbone. I never got back to that level after that, even though I did well at Trofeo Karlsberg (2nd GC), but it had definitely given me a lot of confidence.

We've seen you have a lot of good results on the track, in sprints, on cobbles, in the hills and also on the climbs in the Course De La Paix this year. What sort of rider do you see yourself as going forward?
I've always been this way and I guess that's pretty lucky. I'd like to continue to be as versatile as possible, but the track is now pretty important to me and most things do and will work around that especially up to 2020, but it doesn't stop me performing on the road as I have shown.

2017 was the first year that you were at U23 level and you got to ride both the Tour of Yorkshire and the Tour of Britain. What was it like for you as a first year U23 rider to be able to ride two of the UK's biggest events?
It was a bit surreal to start with, being in my first pro race, but I got stuck in and really enjoyed them both. It was a great experience and I was learning more every day, plus the crowds were great.

If we fast forward to the start of this year, you rode as part of the Great Britain Team Pursuit squad at the World Track Championships where you won the Gold. What did it feel like becoming a World Champion at such a young age?

Again, pretty surreal! I find it odd and quite funny really to think of myself as a World Champion. It all happened pretty quickly for me, I only dropped into some sessions with them about 6 weeks out, so I was unsure whether I would get selected to go at first. I made the team, then the starting 4, and in some of our final training we were going well, and our aim was to win, but I didn't dare think about it too much. Towards the end of a final our coach shows the time split to the other team, and we were pulling away and I knew I wasn't slowing down. There was a strange moment, where, with a mix of adrenaline and disbelief, I realised we were going to pull it off. Even with the jersey on and medal round my neck I couldn't quite believe it!

The British Cycling Senior Academy team has been flying this year with some great results from riders including yourself, Fred Wright, Matthew Walls etc. The team spirit must be pretty high now at each race you go to?

Yeah, spirit and morale is good, it definitely helped winning the first stage of Fleche du Sud and we carried that momentum through until the end of l'Oise. I think its been really good this year because of how we've pulled together as a team, and we've really got a great leadout nailed especially!

As mentioned earlier, we saw you climbing very well in the Course De La Paix at the end of May, taking 5th on the final stage. Did this result surprise you considering you are from more of a track background than being a natural climber?

Not at all if I'm honest, I've never climbed badly, and last year I actually took 20th GC and 11th on that same last stage, so being a year older and stronger, I didn't exceed my own expectations as such! I actually really wanted to win that last day...

In the recent Ronde De L'Oise, we saw both yourself and Fred Wright finish in the Top 10 of the GC. Was it always the plan to get you both up there in the GC?

We didn't have a specific plan like that. On the 3rd stage, we had three of us up there on GC, so we were all trying to get in the break to roll the dice, and did a really good job of it, with both Fred and Matt Bostock in it and myself ready to go if it came back early. Matt fully committed to Fred and did a great job and Fred finished it off with a great stage win, so all three of us were up there in the end and we won the team prize to show for it.

Looking ahead, what are your goals for the rest of the season?

I have the road nationals, then in July I have Poland GP, a Class 1 track event, then preparation for the Elite track euros early August. After that I have a few options, but hope to finish with the rp>oad worlds. Then get back on the track!

Now, for a couple of non-cycling questions. Do you follow football, if so, what team do you support?

I used to be really passionate about it, but that's slowly faded away, probably partially down to being an Arsenal fan!

Finally, What sort of music are you into? Do you always have a good playlist ready for the team bus?

Our 'team bus' is just a van with some extra seats drilled into the floor! We have quite a mix going really, but there's always some Drake and Kanye.


Molto intrigante questo corridore.

Se volete saperne di più tra pochi giorni uscirà il board 2018 e sarà presente anche lui.
(28-06-2018, 07:18 PM)Luciano Pagliarini Ha scritto: Se volete saperne di più tra pochi giorni uscirà il board 2018 e sarà presente anche lui.

Sbav    Probabile post dell'anno a mani basse...
Che roba assurda che è il 2021 di Ethan Hayter, sono più le gare che ha concluso nei dieci che quelle che ha concluso fuori dai dieci: https://firstcycling.com/rider.php?r=45349

Il Team Ineos ha tra le mani un gioiello particolarissimo, vediamo se sapranno valorizzarlo nei prossimi anni.

[+] A 3 utenti piace il post di Luciano Pagliarini
Il buon Ethan a settembre fa 26 anni e sta "marcendo" alla Ineos...

Ancora dobbiamo capire cosa farà da grande, ma forse sarebbe il caso di provare a fare il leader o quasi da un'altra parte.

Dovrebbe essere in scadenza.
Non e' un fenomeno,se finisce in squadre più piccole potrebbe sparire ancora di più di quanto visto ad oggi
Vincerà la solita tappa al Catalunya questa settimana e saranno tutti contenti
Intanto oggi per non sapere né leggere né scrivere è arrivato a 13 minuti.

Al momento è in condizioni imbarazzanti.
Uno trombato due volte: dall'epoca stercoraria in cui corre e dalla squadra che ne gestisce il talento.

Motorone con il difetto di limare malino. Le classiche difficilmente sarebbero diventate il suo pane, date le caratteristiche, ma in altri tempi faceva il Luis Leon Sanchez supercharged.

Il tutto levandosi ancor più soddisfazioni su pista.
Comunque quest'anno il focus sarà tutto sulle olimpiadi, immagino.

Già ha sfiorato l'oro nella Madison tre anni fa e con Walls, lui si totalmente sparito nel nulla, che non dà alcuna garanzia, sarà anche l'uomo della Gbr nell'Omnium.
(18-03-2024, 10:42 PM)Luciano Pagliarini Ha scritto: Comunque quest'anno il focus sarà tutto sulle olimpiadi, immagino.

Già a sfiorato l'oro nella Madison tre anni fa e con Walls, lui si totalmente sparito nel nulla, che non dà alcuna garanzia, sarà anche l'uomo della Gbr nell'Omnium.

Ma Walls che finaccia ha fatto  :O
(18-03-2024, 10:14 PM)Lambohbk Ha scritto: Intanto oggi per non sapere né leggere né scrivere è arrivato a 13 minuti.

Al momento è in condizioni imbarazzanti.

Ieri volata all'indietro e oggi ad un quarto d'ora dal gruppo. 
E pensare che nel 2022 prima del problema meccanico si stava giocando un podio mondiale a crono
Ma ha avuto qualche problema fisico/personale?

La volata di ieri è stata emblematica.
E suo fratello che fine ha fatto?

Il papà twitta ancora?

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